Instead of worrying about what could happen on the day you say, "I Do," why not create a wedding day emergency kit? There are pre-made kits you can buy that contain drugstore samples and sewing kits, but it's usually cheaper to put one together yourself. If you plan on making them for all your 'maids, you can put the money you save toward cute personalized bridesmaid bags!
Here are some of the items brides-to-be usually pack in their wedding day emergency kit:
__Aspirin or other pain relievers
__Upset stomach medicines such as Pepto-Bismol
__Feminine hygiene products
__Stain removal
__Sewing tape or masking tape
__Sewing kit and safety pins
__Extra buttons
__Extra earring backs
__Extra pantyhose
__Mouthwash or breath mints
__Floss, toothpaste, and toothbrush
__Perfume or cologne
__Bobby pins
__Straight pins
__Small scissors
__Lint brush
__Make-up remover
__Cotton swabs or balls
__Wet wipes
__Hand lotion
But your own wedding day emergency kit should be unique because the contents will depend on your needs. Not wearing makeup? Then you won't need makeup remover. Allergic to perfume? Don't put any in, of course -- you don't want your emergency kit becoming the emergency.
Find out what else you might want to pack in your wedding day emergency kit in the preceding link!