Do you love shocking others and getting crazy with a drink in each hand? Remind your MOH how much you love Animal House style shindigs. Or if you prefer a quiet evening at home watching sappy movies with your best girlfriends, it might just be time to bring up how tacky you think the usual bachelorette parties are. Trust us when we say that your MOH and your 'maids will be happy to have your input.
Bachelor parties have traditionally been a way for men to remind other men of everything they are leaving behind by getting married...you know, like the horrors of dating, the threat of STDs, and really bad hangovers. Bachelorette parties are a relatively new invention, so there's a lot more leeway. Fun bachelorette party ideas include slumber parties, spa parties, Las Vegas weekends, and of course, the tried and true trip to the strip club.
If you're worried that your gal pals are going to plan a bachelorette party you won't like, e-mail your MOH this bachelorette party checklist from an anonymous e-mail account to ensure you have as much fun as your 'maids.
- A bit of research about your best friend, i.e., "the bride," will go a long way.
- Cater to the bride's interests, not your own.
- The theme can be anything from the normal to the exotic. For example, if the bride likes to read, a literary theme might be just right.
- Consider whether your chosen location is easy for everyone invited to get to.
- Use a location that can easily be modeled to your theme. Maybe you can hold it at a lakefront, in a forest shanty, or even on a ship. Whatever the case may be, do not be inhibited by the norm.
- Music, food, and decorations can all set the tone, making your getaway all the more realistic.
- Always have a secondary plan and double check the reservations and invitations.
- Food is an often overlooked aspect of a proper party. Spicy exotic entrees go a long way to setting the feeling.
- Ask the bride's family if there are any foods or beverages she really hates, then scratch those off your list.
- Serve both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks!
- Create a custom cocktail in honor of the bride and groom to take the party to the next level.
Click for more bachelorette party tips and ideas