The good news is that groomsmen responsibilities can usually be counted on the fingers of one hand. That's right -- unlike bridesmaids, who are asked to help with everything from addressing invitations to crafting floral centerpieces, groomsmen aren't usually expected to do much other than show up on time in the right clothes. That's not to say that guys are incapable of doing more (far from it!) but rather than most grooms-to-be never think about asking their dudes for help.
These are just a few of the traditional groomsmen responsibilities:
- Attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. This is very important as groomsmen have to appear in certain places at certain times on the day of the wedding. Also, free food!
- Groomsmen also attend all pre-wedding events such as engagement parties, co-ed showers, and planning meetings.
- Find out what to wear and where to procure your outfit. Whether the groomsmen will be wearing a tux, a suit, or neither, it had better be the right one. Groomsmen may or may not visit the rental shop as a group and help the groom-to-be choose the menswear.
- The groomsmen typically make sure the groom and best man have tried on the tuxedos well in advance of the wedding date. One of the groomsman will usually be responsible for picking up all the formal wear before the wedding and returning it to the store after the ceremony.
- Groomsmen are in charge of decorating the couple's getaway car...or not. Before groomsmen fill the car with packing peanuts and tie tin cans to the bumper, they should think carefully about how the couple will react.
- Groomsmen can pack a bag of last-minute grooming items for all the men in the wedding party.
- The men in the wedding party often serve as ushers at the wedding.
- Help the groom relax and get dressed on the wedding day. If he's nervous, the groomsmen can keep him loose.
- The groomsmen should have a plan for hauling the gifts from the reception. They should know where the gifts are to be delivered. The men should load, transport, and deliver the gifts. If the wedding couple needs any other items transported, the groomsmen take care of that as well.
In the past groomsmen were also charged with entertaining any single ladies at the reception, but it is no longer considered the kiss of death to attend a wedding alone. Let your groomsmen know that they don't necessarily have to ask every unattached woman to dance.
Click for great groomsmen gifts and more groomsmen responsibilities