Thursday, September 18, 2008

Choosing a Wedding Band

Remember Aunt Helen's wedding where the food was soggy, the flowers were nauseating and, worst of all, the rock band they hired drummed up a migraine in your head? As your own big day draws closer, don't make the same mistakes. Think about how much effort it's going to take you to speak to all your guests and keep them happy and amused. The perfect answer to your wedding woes is a totally rockin' wedding band!

But with so many bands out there, how do you choose the right one? For starters, keep this trio of tips in mind when you're interviewing bands:

  • Your wedding band should be able to play a variety of music well. Reception music usually starts out slow and picks up speed as the night wears on. If it turns out your band can only play popular dance hits, people will miss the slow stuff.
  • Bring a list of must-have songs to the interview and walk away with a copy of the band's DVD. Ask them if they have any actual wedding vids up on YouTube so you can see them in action. Don't leave anything to chance!
  • Think about your guest list -- you may love deathmetal, but it's unlikely that your extended family shares your passion for headbanging. There will always be another mosh pit, but you'll (hopefully) only ever have one wedding. Your chosen band should help your guests have the time of their lives.

Of course, you'll need to think about more than taste when making your final decision. There are more helpful hints and tricks that will help you when choosing a wedding band at the preceding link. Go on...go check it out, then come back here and see what new wedding planning advice we have for you!