“When I proposed to Angela I wanted us to marry quickly before I lost my eyesight but I only thought we would have a small do.
“I don’t know how long my sight will last. I have had some treatment to improve it but doctors can’t seem to give me any answers. I just wanted to be able to see Angela in her wedding dress.”
The couple didn't have a lot of money, but neither did they have all the time in the world to save up and plan the perfect wedding. Paul's mother, seeing a possible solution to that conundrum, entered Paul into a national competition to win a fairytale wedding worth over £20,000 from Diane Roberts, owner of bridal store Wedding Belles.
Amazingly, he won. This meant that everything from the transportation to the reception venue to the men's suits were paid for. Everything was taken care of...including the bride's wedding gown.
Paul got wish and more...he was able to buy his bride the lavish wedding he felt she deserved, and he was able to see her clearly as she revealed herself at the foot of the aisle. (source)
Click to read about wedding planning basics and romantic weddings