Designer wedding gowns, for example, are almost always going to cost more than machine-made wedding dresses from department stores. Both are lovely -- which you choose just depends on what it is that you are looking for and how much you can spend. There is a third option! Having a gown custom made by a seamstress is often less expensive than designer or mass-market wedding gowns, so check in local tailor shops for the names of dressmakers in your area.
When you go shopping -- whatever option you choose -- let your helpers and the sales associate know what your price range is. You don't want everyone handing you $5,000 dresses to try on when all you can afford are $2,000 ones.
Finally, it's a good idea to know what it is you're looking for, even if the mental sketch of your future wedding gown is vague. Pick up bridal magazines from your local grocery or book store and look through them. Cut out the pictures of the ones that interest you. Look at all the wedding dresses online that are for sale. Print out the ones that you are most attracted to. There are many styles of wedding dresses. After you have compiled all the pictures, go through them and see if there is a common theme. You may realize that you have picked out several that look the same!
Click to read more about choosing a wedding gown